
Picture a dark haired Hispanic little girl knocking on every door in her neighborhood with a hand-crafted flyer for a cleaning business.

Well, that was me at 5 years old in St. Louis City trying to create and hone my entrepreneurial spirit.

The “Cat’s Cleaning Service” business only lasted for a few years, but my entrepreneurial dreams live on.

I went to college to become a registered nurse and graduated with a BSN in 2015. I absolutely adore the process of healing those around me and went on a journey to find what that truly means.

In the process, I got married, gave birth to three beautiful daughters! I am now a homeschooling mom and want to unite that entrepreneurial spirit with the spirit to heal.

I love everything health and wellness and was sad to learn that many exercise mats are actually made of toxic non-biodegradable material.

With some research I discovered that cork and natural rubber make incredible mats!  They are eco-friendly, toxin-free, made from already fallen trees and are naturally anti-microbial!

Needless to say, the mats I’m offering at Prowess Wellness are the best quality and certified toxin-free by California standards. They are also non-slip which is a huge bonus!

You’ll love your new Prowess Wellness mat so make sure to order one today!